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Rhynchosia malacophylla (Spreng.) Bojer

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Rhynchosia malacophylla (Spreng.) Bojer, it is a climbing plant, 0·3–3 m long, from a probably woody rootstock. Stems woody at the base, ridged, glabrous or pubescent, wide, puberulous. Leaflets 3, ovate, rhomboid or rounded, the laterals oblique, 0·6–4·6 (–6·5) cm long, 0·6–5·5 cm wide, rounded to mostly acuminate at the apex, cuneate, rounded or truncate at the base, glabrous to finely puberulous on both surfaces, the margins often densely silky, densely gland-dotted beneath. Inflorescences axillary, lax or rather dense, rhachis  4-16 cm long, peduncle 1·5–7 cm  long, pedicels 1.5–2.5 mm long, bracts sub persistent, lanceolate, 1·5–2 mm long, 0·5 mm. wide. Calyx puberulous and gland-dotted, tube 1.5–3 mm long, lobes triangular, 2–5 mm long, the lowest the longest, the upper pair joined for ± three-quarters of their length. Petiole 0·7–6·5 cm long, rhachis 0·2–1·2 cm. long, petiolules 1-2·5 mm long, stipules lanceolate, 4-5 mm. long, 1 mm.  Standard mostly clear yellow in the Flora area but sometimes with crimson veins, obovate or almost round, 0·8–1·4 cm. long, 5–9·5 mm. wide, puberulous and glandular. Pods oblong-falcate, (1–2–)1·5–2 cm long, 4·5–5·5 mm wide, narrowed at the base, finely to densely puberulous and glandular. Seeds rounded-reniform, greyish with dark and light mottling, slightly keeled, longest dimension 4·5 mm., shorter dimension 3 mm., 2 mm. thick.  Life Form: Li,   Flowering in:————–,   Vern:————-,   Phytochoria: SZ, The native range of this species is Cameroon to Eritrea and Zimbabwe, SW. Arabian Peninsula.    Notes: Wild in Libya.

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Distribution in Libya
Ghat area 
Ghat (Between Acacus and Tassili Mountains) 2004   Wadi Tanezzuft 2012


Bibliographic references:  
First: Encyclopedia Flora of Libyan:  
Second: Researches and PhD theses, master theses, Sorted by Newest: pdf files
Mukassabi, T.A, Ahmidat, G., Sherif, I.M., ELMogasapi, A.(2012) Checklist and life forms of plant species in contrasting climatic zones of Libya. Biological Diversity and Conservation – 5 / 3 (2012), plant species in contrasting climatic zones of Libya 2012
Ahmidat, Gh. (2004) Study of the vegetation cover of the area between the Acacus Mountains and the Tassili Mountains (Ghat). Master Thesis. Department of Botany.College of Science. Sebha University. Libya. (In Arabic)