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Erodium oxyrhinchum M.Bieb. /  Infraspecific: Erodium oxyrhinchum ssp. bryoniifolium (Boiss.) Schönb.-Tem //Homotypic Synonyms: Erodium bryoniifolium Boiss,  it is an annual herb, up to  6-40 cm tall, canescent. Stems several to numerous, ascending. Stipules 1-3 mm, subulate. Leaves opposite, leaf blade ovate to triangular-ovate, 1-3 cm, pinnately cleft, pinnately parted, or rarely with basal pair distinct, abaxially velutinous, adaxially pubescent. Pseudoumbels with 3-5 hermaphrodite flowers, peduncle spreading pilose. Pedicel ± as long as to 1/2 as long as flowers. Sepals elliptic-ovate, 5-6 mm, densely pubescent, apex awned. Petals purple with a darker base, obovate, 4-5 mm. Mericarp 5-8 mm, without apical pit and ridges, awn plumose.  Life Form: Th,   Flowering in: Mar-May ,   Vern:————-,   Phytochoria: IT, The native range of this species is Libya to Xinjiang and NW. India.  Notes: Wild in Libya.

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Distribution in Libya
Zliten-Misurata Plain Sirte Plains
Misurata 2015 Sirte 2016


Bibliographic references:  
First: Encyclopedia Flora of Libyan:  
Second: Researches and PhD theses, master theses, Sorted by Newest: pdf files
Elsayed, N. (2016) Relationship between Vegetation and Soil Seed Bank at Protected Versus Unprotected Sites at Coastal Habitats in Libya.CATRINA (2016), 15 (1): 59-68. , Surt region in Libya 2016
Aljarroushi, M.M. & Almedham, K.E. (2015) Natural plant cover composition in Misurata area, Libya. Assiut Journal for Environmental Studies-42nd issue-July 2015. (In Arabic)