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Euphorbia dendroides L., it is a shrub, stems up to 200 cm, apparently dichotomously branched. Leaves 25-65 x 3-8 mm, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, mucronulate. Ray-leaves like the cauline but rather shorter and wider, raylet-leaves broadly rhombic, yellowish. Rays 5-8, dichotomous. Glands suborbicular, irregularly lobed. Capsule 5-6 mm, the valves laterally compressed, smooth or nearly so. Seeds 3 mm, laterally compressed, grey. Life Form: N.Ph,   Flowering in: Jan-May,   Vern:———–,   Phytochoria: MED, The native range of this species is Medit.    Notes: Wild in Libya, in stony and rocky mound, medicinal plant.

For more information:,,,,,,,,,


Distribution in Libya
Zliten-Misurata Plain Al-Jabal Al-Akhder Marmarica Plateau
Misurata 2008 Wadi Derna 1967  Shahat 1978   El-Hamamah to Biada 2003   Wadi El-Kouf 2014  Wadi Derna 2017  Ain Mara 2020  Wadi Al-Kouf 2021 (30 km) before Al-Tamimi, on way back from Tobruk 1975  From Tobruk to Egyptian Border 1999   Marmarica (north-eastern part of Libya) 2002  Dafna region (Tobruk to Msaid) 2008


Bibliographic references:  
First: Encyclopedia Flora of Libyan:  
Jafri, S.M.H. & El-Gadi, A. (1982) Flora of Libya, Euphorbiaceae Vol.  (89) Department of Botany, Al-Faateh Univ., Tripoli, Libya.
Second: Researches and PhD theses, master theses , Sorted by Newest: pdf files
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Saaed, M.W.B., EL-Barasi, Y.M. & Rahil, R.O. (2021) An updated checklist and quantitative analysis of the Marmarica Plateau flora, in the north-eastern part of Libya. Phytotaxa 509 (1): 001-055. An updated Marmarica Plateau flora 2021
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EL-Habony, A.M. (1999) Vegetation and flora of a sector along Mediterranean cost of Libya from Tobruk to Egyptian border, M.Sc. Thesis, Botany Department-Faculty of Science-Garyounis University, Benghazi, Libya. (In Arabic)  

