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Medicago tornata (L.) Mill. / Homotypic Synonyms: Medicago italica ssp. tornata (L.) Emb. & Maire, it is an annual herb 10-30 cm, prostrate, pubescent; leaflets obovate or rhomboidal in corner, denticulate at the top; stipules toothed or lacinated at base; yellow flowers, quite small, 1-3 on peduncles equal to or exceeding the leaf; pod quite large, cylindrical, with flat and smooth faces, with 4-8 whorls, with keeled and obtuse edges, devoid of spines or with short, spreading, non-divaricate spines.  Life Form: Th,   Flowering in: Feb-May,   Vern: Nefal ,   Phytochoria: MED, The native range of this species is Macaronesia, Medit    Notes: Wild in Libya.

For more information:,,,,,,,


Distribution in Libya
Al-Jafarah Plain Zliten-Misurata Plain Sirte Plains
Hashan 1970   (35 km W. of Tripoli 1972   Tripoli 1976, 1977   Talil area, (25 km) S. of  Tripoli 1978   Sabrata 2008 Libtis Magna 1975   (20 km) from Zaletan to Misurata 1977   Kaam area 2005 Sirte  2015
Benghazi Plain Jabal Nafusa Al-Jabal Al-Akhder
Msus-Al-Ajramia zone 2004 Gharian, (15 km) after Kaleba to Mizda, Shakshuk 1974   Kabau 1976  Misallata (Shaafeen) 2008   Tarhuna (Mackhalef, Zurgan) 2018   Msallata-Garaboulli Province 2020 Wadi Zaza 2003   S. of AL-Marj 2011  Valley Jarjr-oma 2013   Sidi Abu-Ras 2017   Al-Abiar (Sidi Amohamed forest) 2020


Bibliographic references:  
First: Encyclopedia Flora of Libyan:  
Jafri, S.M.H. & El-Gadi, A. (1980) Flora of Libya, Fabaceae Vol.  (86) Department of Botany, Al-Faateh Univ., Tripoli, Libya.
Second: Researches and PhD theses, master theses, Sorted by Newest: pdf files
Al-Amrouni, M,M., Al-Zarbi, A., Al-Aeb, M. A. (2020) Study of vegetation cover in Sidi Amohamed forest north of the city of Al-Abyar in the Al-Jabal Al-Al-Akhdar. Libya. Journal of Quality Assurance for Scientific Research-The first issue-April-2020 (In Arabic)., غابة سيدي أمحمد شمال مدينة االابيار2020
Mahklouf, M.H., Sherif, A.S., Betelmal, A.G. (2020) Floristic Study and Species Diversity of Msallata-Garaboulli Province in Libya. J. of Advanced Botany and Zoology Volume 7 / Issue 3 ISSN: 2348-7313. Journal homepage: Msallata-Garaboulli Province in Libya 2020
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El-Zerbi, A. K. & Al-Aib, M.A. (2017) Study of vegetation cover in Sidi Bouras region, Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar, Libya. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering JESE, VOL. 1, No. 1, January 2017. (In Arabic) سيدي ابو راس 2017
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Abusaief, H. M. A. (2013) Life forms and rangeland for many habitats of Jarjar oma in Al-Jabal Al- Akhdar on Mediterranean Sea. Journal of American Science 2013;9(5) Jarjar oma in Al-Jabal Al- Akhdar 2013
EL-Barasi, Y. M., Barrani, M. W., Abdelsalam, O. EL-Amrouni, N., Mohamad, F. (2011) Check list of flora and vegetation on south EL-Marj zone: south EL-Jabal EL-Akhadar. Libya. Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara-International Journal of Engineering. Tome IX (Year 2011). Fascicule 3. ISSN 1584-2673, 141-146. flora and vegetation on south EL-Marj zone 2011
El-Yafour, L. A. (2008) Taxonomic study of the vegetation properties of Sabratha city Master Thesis. Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Al-Zawiya University, Libya. (In Arabic)  
Mohammed, S.A.H. (2008) A taxonomic and ecological study of the plants of the Shaafin Reserve in Masalatah. Master Thesis. Department of Biology-Faculty of Arts and Sciences-Al-Mirqab University. Al-Khums. Libya. (In Arabic)  
Al-Shf, N. S. (2005) a taxonomic study of the plants of the Kaam region. Master Thesis, College of Science, Al-Marqab University, Al-Khums, Libya. (In Arabic)  
El-Jetlawi A.O.(2004) Study of vegetation and soil seed bank of a range desert zone (Msus-Al-Ajramia), Master of Science Thesis, Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Benghazi University, Benghazi, Libya (In Arabic)  
El-Barasi, Y. M., EI-Sherif, l. M. & Gawhari, A. M. H.(2003) Checklist and analysis of the flora and vegetation of Wadi Zaza at AI-Jabal AI Akhdar (Cyrenaica, Libya). Bocconea 16 (2): 1091-1105. 2003. – ISSN 1120-4060. flora and vegetation of Wadi Zaza 2003_compressed
