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Mentha pulegium L., it is a Perennial plant 10-50 cm, hairy-grayish or glabrescent, with a very strong odor; stems erect or spreading-ascending. Leaves small, short petiolate, ovate or oblong, obtuse or sub-acute, denticulate or almost entire, the floral ones shorter than the glomeruli. Pink or lilac flowers, in numerous whorls, all axillary, spaced apart, multiflorous, very compact. Calyx hairy, tubular, with throat closed by connivent hairs, sub-bilabiate with 5 unequal teeth, the 2 lower ones narrower. Corolla gibbous on one side at the throat, Carpels ovoid, smooth. The fruits consist of a cluster of four brown, 1-seeded nutlets, each about 0.7 mm long.   Life Form: H,   Flowering in: May-Jun,   Vern:————,   Phytochoria: ES+MRD+IT, The native range of this species is Macaronesia, Europe, Medit. to N. Iran and N. Ethiopia.   Notes: Wild in Libya, medicinal plant.

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Distribution in Libya
Al-Jabal Al-Akhder
Shahat 1972  Ain Mara 1979  Wadi Derna 2017


Bibliographic references:  
First: Encyclopedia Flora of Libyan:  
Jafri, S.M.H. & El-Gadi, A. (1985) Flora of Libya, Lamiaceae  Vol.  (118) Department of Botany, Al-Faateh Univ., Tripoli, Libya.
Second: Researches and PhD theses, master theses, Sorted by Newest: pdf files
Ab-AzizaF.B., ElBarasi, Y.M. and Rahil, R.O. (2017) Flora, Vegetation and Human Activities of Wadi Derna-El-JabalResearch article I Botany l Version 1., Vegetation Wadi Derna 2017