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Scilla peruviana L., it is a bulbous geophyteو to 30 cm high, brown bulb large to 7 cm, the leaves many, 30–60 × 1.5–4 cm., Life Form: G, Flowering in: Jan-Apr, Vern: Possaila, Phytochoria: MED, The native range of this species is W. & Central Medit.,  Notes:  Wild in Libya.

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Distribution in Libya
Al-Jafarah Plain Zliten-Misurata Plain Sirte Plains
Tripoli 1883 Azizia plain 1949 Sabrata 2008 Sabratha region 2020 Researches Station of Agriculture Faculty, University of Tripoli 2021 Zliten 1952 Leptis Magna 1972 Kaam area 2005 Misurata 2006,2008 Leptus Magna 2017 Zliten (Wadi EL-Zekr) 2022 (7Km) SE of Sitre City 2008 Wadi Al-Hamar Region 2020
Benghazi Plain Jabal Nafusa Al-Jabal Al-Akhder
Benghazi to Ajdabia 1889 Yefren-Jado 1970 Hinshir bu ldder, (25km) from Gharian, Mangh El-Bahar, (2km) before Kaleba 1974 Gussbat 1975 Tarhuna, Sharshara, Abogilan, Kabao 1976 (10km) before Gharian 1977 Msallata (Shaafeen) 2008 Msallata National Park (Shaafeen) 2013 Msallata 2017 Tarhuna (Hejaz, Terghlat, Zurgan) 2018 Msallata-Garaboulli Province 2020 Gharyan (Sedrores Mountains) 2020 Valley Jarjr-oma 2013


Bibliographic references:  
First: Encyclopedia Flora of Libyan:  
Jafri, S. M. H. & El-Gadi, A. (1978) Flora of Libya, Liliaceae Vol. (57) Department of Botany, Al-Faateh Univ., Tripoli, Libya.
Second: Researches and PhD theses, master theses , Sorted by Newest: pdf files
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