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Gagea reticulata (Pall.) Schult. & Schult.f., it is a bulbous geophyte, greenish herb, usually growing in tufts, bulb, solitary (or in pairs), roots all of same thickness, tunics membranous, the outer usually forming reticulate fibrous sheath, ± covering the lower part or the scape. Basal leaves 1-2 per plant, narrowly-linear, exceeding the flowers, 10-20 cm long, margins glabrous or ciliate. Bracts leafy, linear-acuminating, margins ciliate, varying in length, usually directly proportional to pedicels, longer than flowers. Scape short, 3-12 cm long, usually villose at summit. Inflorescence umbellate-corymb. 1-8-flowered. Pedicels 1.5-3 cm long, villose. Perianth showy, tepals narrow-lancenlate, yellow inside, greenish with yellowish margins outside 15-20 x 2-3 mm, villose on dorsal side. Stamens 7-15 mm, filaments filiform, anthers ± oblong, 1-2 mm long yellow in colour, ovary green, ± trilobed-elongate with long style, usually above stamens level, stigma obscurely trilobed. Capsule obovoid-oblong c. 1.5 cm long.  Life Form: G,   Flowering in: Mar-Apr,   Vern:————-,   Phytochoria: IT, The native range of this species is SE. & E. Europe to W. Himalaya and Arabian Peninsula.  Notes: Wild in Libya.

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Distribution in Libya
Jabal Nafusa Al-Jabal Al-Akhder Marmarica Plateau
(16 km) S.W. Nalut 1975  Gharyan (Sedrores Mountains) 2020 Slonta 1934  Wadi Zaza 2003  Al-Mansora 2013  Wadi El-Kouf 2014 Bardia 1927  Reported in Marmarica north-eastern part of Libya by Pampanini 1930  Marmarica (north-eastern part of Libya) 2002


Bibliographic references:  
First: Encyclopedia Flora of Libyan:  
Jafri, S.M.H. & El-Gadi, A. (1978) Flora of Libya, Liliaceae Vol.  (57) Department of Botany, Al-Faateh Univ., Tripoli, Libya.
Second: Researches and PhD theses, master theses, Sorted by Newest: pdf files
Saaed, M.W.B., EL-Barasi, Y.M. & Rahil, R.O. (2021) An updated checklist and quantitative analysis of the Marmarica Plateau flora, in the north-eastern part of Libya. Phytotaxa 509 (1): 001-055., An updated Marmarica Plateau flora 2021
El-Ahmir, S.M., Mahklouf, M.H., Shanta, M.B., Abo-Jaafer, H.A. (2020) Floristic Study of Sedrores Mountains in Gharyan District-Libya. J. of Advanced Botany and Zoology. Volume 8 / Issue 1. ISSN: 2348-7313., Sedrores Mountains in Gharyan 2020
El-Mokasabi, F M. (2014) Floristic Composition and Traditional Uses of Plant Species at Wadi Al-kuf, Al-Jabal Al-Akhder, Libya. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 14 (8): 685-697, 2014, ISSN 1818-769,IDOSI Publications, 2014DOI: 10.5829/idosi. aejaes. 2014.14.08.12375., Plant Species at Wadi Al-kuf 2014
Abusaief, H. M. A. and Dakhil, A. H. (2013) The floristic composition of Rocky habitat of Al Mansora in Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar- Libya. New York Science Journal 2013; 6(5). Al Mansora in Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar 2013
El-Barasi, Y. M., EI-Sherif, l. M. & Gawhari, A. M. H.(2003) Checklist and analysis of the flora and vegetation of Wadi Zaza at AI-Jabal AI Akhdar (Cyrenaica, Libya). Bocconea 16 (2): 1091-1105. 2003. – ISSN 1120-4060. flora and vegetation of Wadi Zaza 2003
El-Shaary M.S. (2002). The Natural Vegetation in Marmarica plateau (North-eastern Libya). First ed. Tobruk (Libya): Published by the local Authority. (In Arabic)