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Lythrum hyssopifolia L., it is an annual herb, 10 to 40 cm high, erect or ascending, glabrous. Leaves oblong or lanceolate-linear slightly enlarged in the middle, barely narrowed at the base, entire, most alternate. Flowers pink, small, solitary in the axils of almost all leaves. Scarious bracts, very small, much shorter than the calyx. Calyx with 8 to 12 teeth, the outer ones elongated, linear, acute. Corolla with 5 to 6 petals with a small white tab, extending beyond the calyx. Stamens (1-) 2-6 (-8), included. Capsules enclosed within the hypanthium, dark brown. Seeds ovoid. c. 0.8 x 0.6 mm, shortly winged at one end, rugulose.  Life Form: Th,   Flowering in: May-Sept ,   Vern:————–,   Phytochoria: Cosm, The native range of this species is Europe to Central Asia and Iran, N. Africa to Sahel and Arabian Peninsula, Australia.   Notes: Wild in Libya.

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Distribution in Libya
Al-Jafarah Plain Al-Jabal Al-Akhder Ghat area 
Reported from Tripoli by Durand & Barratte Reported from Derna by Pampanini Ghat (Between Acacus and Tassili Mountains) 2004   Wadi Tanezzuft 2012


Bibliographic references:  
First: Encyclopedia Flora of Libyan:  
Jafri, S.M.H. & El-Gadi, A. (1983) Flora of Libya, Lythraceae Vol.  (105) Department of Botany, Al-Faateh Univ., Tripoli, Libya.
Second: Researches and PhD theses, master theses, Sorted by Newest: pdf files
Mukassabi, T.A, Ahmidat, G., Sherif, I.M., ELMogasapi, A.(2012) Checklist and life forms of plant species in contrasting climatic zones of Libya. Biological Diversity and Conservation – 5 / 3 (2012), plant species in contrasting climatic zones of Libya 2012
Ahmidat, Gh. (2004) Study of the vegetation cover of the area between the Acacus Mountains and the Tassili Mountains (Ghat). Master Thesis. Department of Botany.College of Science. Sebha University. Libya. (In Arabic)