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Oenothera laciniata Hill , it is a herb erect to procumbent, annual or short-lived perennial, branched from base, usually with basal rosette leaves. Stems 10 – 80 cm long, simple or branched, covered with spreading hairs, often with glandular hairs on inflorescence. Leaves green, with inconspicuous veins, pubescent, rosette leaves petiolate, and cauline leaves sessile to shortly petiolate, blade 4–15 × 1–3 cm; cauline leaves narrowly lanceolate or narrowly elliptic, 2–10 × 0.5–3.5 cm, base narrowly cuneate, margin deeply lobed to dentate, apex acute. Inflorescence a lax open leafy spike, terminal. Flowers open near sunset, one per stem per day; 25 – 30 mm across, rotate, hypanthium foming floral tube 1.5–3.5 cm, up curved in bud. Sepals 4, free or fused near the base, 5–15 mm, strongly reflexed, narrowly triangular to narrowly lanceolate with a free, acute terminal apices, 12.5–17.5 × 2.5–3.5 mm (including apices), green with reddish midvein, covered with long hairs, the apices narrowly conic and 1.5−3.3 mm long, solid. Petals 4, 5–22 mm, spreading, yellow to pale yellow, fading to orange, cordate, veined, apex broadly bilobed, lobes rounded. Stamens 8, in one row, 7–10 mm, anthers exserted, versatile, dithecal, linear, 4.8–5 mm long, pale yellow, longitudinally dehiscent; Ovary inferior, strigillose, with spreading and sometimes few glandular hairs, narrowly oblong, 11–18 mm long, 4-sided with rounded angles and 4 shallow grooves, 4-loculed, each locule with numerous ovules attached to center; style exserted, cylindrical, 25–35 × 0.5–0.7 mm, palegreen to greenish yellow; stigma conspicuously 4-lobed, lobes spreading, 3.5–5.3 mm long, yellowish to greenish yellow. Fruit capsule, cylindrical, sessile, loculicidal dehiscent by 4 valves, many seeded, slightly club-shaped, 3 – 4.5 mm, 4-lobed in transverse section, valves ascending-hirsute and pubescent. Seeds in two rows per locule, brown to dark brown, ellipsoid to suborbicular, 0.9–1.8 mm, slightly reticulate.  Life Form: Th,   Flowering in: Jul-Oct ,   Vern:—————,   Phytochoria: Cosm, The native range of this species is Central & E. U.S.A. to Guatemala.   Notes: Wild,  exotic weed species, invasive noxious,

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Distribution in Libya
Al-Jafarah Plain
Ain Zara region about (20km) south east of Tripoli 2016


Bibliographic references:  
First: Encyclopedia Flora of Libyan:  
Second: Researches and PhD theses, master theses, Sorted by Newest: pdf files
Mahklouf, M.H. (2016) A New Record Oenothera laciniata MillFor the Flora of Libya. International Journal of Modern Botany 2016, 6(1): 6-9. A New Record Oenothera laciniata Mill.