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Roemeria hybrida (L.) DC./  Heterotypic Synonyms: Papaver dodecandrum (Forssk.) Medik,  it is an annual herb, up to 10-30 (-50) cm tall, erect or sub erect, hispid to almost glabrous. Leaves usually 2-3-pinnatisect, 2-5 cm long, lower or basal petiolate, somewhat broad and sheating al the base; ultimate segments linear to ovate, with or without a pointed terminal bristle; cauline leaves similar but sessile or sub sessile rarely 3-fid to almost simple. Pedicels up to 9 cm long, erect to recurved in fruit; buds narrow, pyriform, obtuse, 10-12 x 5·7 mm. Sepals 10-12 x 4-5 mm, oblong, hooded at the apex, densely pilose to glabrous. Petals violet, usually with a black blotch at base, broadly obovate, to sub rounded, 20-25 mm. Stamens many. c. 1 cm long; filaments subulate. Anthers c. 1.5 mm long. Ovary c. 1 cm long, oblong-linear, usually hispid; stigmas 4, capitated, puberulous. Capsules linear, 20-75 x 1.5-3 mm, densely to sparsely setose, at least above, rarely almost glabrous, dehiscing from base to apex by 3·4 valves. Seeds reniform, c. 1 mm in diam.  Life Form: Th,   Flowering in: Feb-Apr,   Vern: Mungar El-Gharab, Talma,   Phytochoria: MED+SA+IT, The native range of this species is Canary Islands (Fuerteventura), Medit. to Central Asia and Pakistan.  Notes: Wild in Libya.

For more information:,,,, hybrida-l-dc,,,,


Distribution in Libya
Al-Jafarah Plain Zliten-Misurata Plain Sirte Plains
Al-Zawia 1975 Misurata 1975 Reported from Sirte by Maire
Benghazi Plain Jabal Nafusa Marmarica Plateau
Reported from Benghazi by Maire Gebel Nafousa, (108 km) S.E. of Jado 1970 (37 km) from Kaleba to Mizda, Gharian, (9 km) from Gharian 1975 Reported from Bardia by Maire Reported in Marmarica north-eastern part of Libya by Pampanini 1930


Bibliographic references:  
First: Encyclopedia Flora of Libyan:  
Jafri, S.M.H. & El-Gadi, A. (1977) Flora of Libya, Papaveraceae Vol.  (40) Department of Botany, Al-Faateh Univ., Tripoli, Libya.
Second: Researches and PhD theses, master theses, Sorted by Newest: pdf files
Saaed, M.W.B., EL-Barasi, Y.M. & Rahil, R.O. (2021) An updated checklist and quantitative analysis of the Marmarica Plateau flora, in the north-eastern part of Libya. Phytotaxa 509 (1): 001-055., An updated Marmarica Plateau flora 2021