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Misopates orontium (L.) Raf.// Infraspecifics: Misopates orontium ssp. orontium, it is an erect, (10-) 20-60 cm tall herb, glabrous to ± hirsute below, glandular pubescent above. Leaves linear-elliptical, entire, ± sessile, somewhat acutish at the tip, 15-45 (-55) x 2-5 (-7) mm, glabrous with somewhat patent hairs at the margin. Inflorescence a terminal, loosely flowered raceme. Bracts foliaceous, smaller than the leaves. Flowers pink with c. 2 mm long pedicel, up to 4 mm in fruit. Calyx 10-17 mm long, linear, very unequal in size, hirsute, shortest c. 10 mm long and the longest up to 14-17 mm long, with spreading hairs. Corolla 10-15 mm long, saccate below, shorter than the longest calyx lobe. Ovary ovoid, covered with dense multi-cellular hairs. Capsule 8-10 mm long, ovoid, gibbous, glandular. hairy. Seeds numerous, black brownish. c. 1 mm long.  Life Form: Th,   Flowering in: Apr-Jul,   Vern:———–,   Phytochoria: MED+SS+SZ, The native range of this species is Macaronesia, Medit. to NE. Sudan.   Notes: Wild in Libya.

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                                                                       Distribution in Libya
Jabal Nafusa Al-Jabal Al-Akhder Marmarica Plateau
Misallata (Shaafeen) 2008 Msallata-Garaboulli Province 2020 Wadi Derna 1967  Ras El-Hilal, Wadi Mahbool 1978  Wadi Zaza 2003  Al-Mansora 2013  Wadi El-Kauf 2014  Wadi Haboon 2015  Wadi Derna 2017  From Nuqrat Said to Wadi Al-Zagzoog 2019 Reported in Marmarica north-eastern part of Libya by Pampanini 1930  Al-Tamimi 1968  From Tobruk to Egyptian Border 1999


Bibliographic references:  
First: Encyclopedia Flora of Libyan:  
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Second: Researches and PhD theses, master theses, Sorted by Newest: pdf files
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EL-Habony, A.M. (1999) Vegetation and flora of a sector along Mediterranean cost of Libya from Tobruk to Egyptian border, M.Sc. Thesis, Botany Department-Faculty of Science-Garyounis University, Benghazi, Libya. (In Arabic)