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Gypsophila vaccaria (L.) Sm. / Heterotypic Synonyms: Vaccaria hispanica (Mill.) Rauschert, Vaccaria pyramidata Medik. Life Form: Th,   Flowering in: Feb-May,   Vern: Ful-el-Arab,   Phytochoria: S.Cosm, The native range of this species is Macaronesia, Central & E. Europe to Medit. and Central Himalaya.  Notes: Wild in Libya, medicinal plant.

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Distribution in Libya
Al-Jafarah Plain Zliten-Misurata Plain Sirte Plains
Wadi El-Hai Project, (40 km) from Al-Azizia 1978 Kaam area 2005 Misurata 2006 (7 Km) SE of Sitre City 2008  Wadi Al-Hamar Region 2020
Benghazi Plain Jabal Nafusa Al-Jabal Al-Akhder
Wadi El-Enaghar 2021 Orreda, gawasem área, (9 km) from Gharian, Asaba, Kaleba, Tagma, Tagma, (5 km) N. of Yefren 1974 Gharyan (Sedrores Mountains) 2020 Gebel Akhder, Gaser Libya 1978  Gaber Jera 2013  Sidi Abu- Ras 2017  Al-Abiar (Sidi Amohamed forest) 2020
Marmarica Plateau Al-Jufra area
Marmarica (north-eastern part of Libya) 2002 El-Jufra 2018


Bibliographic references:  
First: Encyclopedia Flora of Libyan:  
Jafri, S.M.H. & El-Gadi, A. (1978) Flora of Libya,  Caryophyllaceae  Vol. (59) Department of Botany, Al-Faateh Univ., Tripoli, Libya.
Second: Researches and PhD theses, master theses , Sorted by Newest: pdf files
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El-Ahmir, S.M., Mahklouf, M.H., Shanta, M.B., Abo-Jaafer, H.A. (2020) Floristic Study of Sedrores Mountains in Gharyan District-Libya. J. of Advanced Botany and Zoology. Volume 8 / Issue 1. ISSN: 2348-7313., Sedrores Mountains in Gharyan 2020
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Al-Tajouri, A., Al-Aaeb, M.A., Al-Zarbi, A. K. (2013) Barley crop contamination with weed seeds in Gaber-Jira farms in Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar, Libya. Journal of Benghazi University of Science-the third and fourth edition (45-53). (In Arabic) قبر جيرة 2013
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El-Shaary M.S. (2002). The Natural Vegetation in Marmarica plateau (North-eastern Libya). First ed. Tobruk (Libya): Published by the local Authority. (In Arabic)