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Onosma cyrenaica E.A.Durand & Barratte

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Onosma cyrenaica E.A.Durand & Barratte , Life Form: Ch ,   Flowering in: ——,   Vern:  ——,   Phytochoria: Endemic ,The native range of this species is NE. Libya   Notes: Wild in Libya.

For more information:,,


Distribution in Libya
Benghazi Plain Al-Jabal Al-Akhder
Wadi El Ghattara 2010 Wadi Mahbool, Baida 1968 Shahat 1978 (13km) from Ras El-Hilal to Derna 1979 Wadi Al-Agar 1999 Gebel Akhder 2009 Wadi El-Kouf 2014 Gebel Akhder 2015 Wadi Al-Agar 2017 Ain Mara 2020


Bibliographic references:  
First: Encyclopedia Flora of Libyan:  
Jafri, S. M. H. & El-Gadi, A. (1979) Flora of Libya, Boraginaceae Vol. (68) Department of Botany, Al-Faateh Univ., Tripoli, Libya.
Second: Researches and PhD theses, master theses , Sorted by Newest: pdf files
Al-Maqsabi, F. M. & Makhlouf, M. A. (2020) Vegetation cover in the Ain Mara region, Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar region – Libya. The Libyan Journal of Science (An International Journal): Volume 23, 2020. (In Arabic), Vegetation Cover of Ain Mara 2020
Al-Aib, M.A., El- Sherif, M., Al-Hamedi, R.I. (2017) Floristic and ecological investigation of Wadi Al-Agar in Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar, Libya, Science & its applications 5:1 (2017) 57-61. Floristic and ecological investigation of Wadi Al—Agar 2017
Essokne, R.S. & Jury, S.L. (2015) Report on a visit to Gebel Akhdar (Cyrenaica, Libya). Fl. Medit. 25: 79-85-doi: 10.7320/FlMedit25.079-Version of Record published online on 30 December 2015. Report on a visit to Jebel Akhdar 2015
El-Mokasabi, F M. (2014) Floristic Composition and Traditional Uses of Plant Species at Wadi Al-kuf, Al-Jabal Al-Akhder, Libya. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 14 (8): 685-697, 2014, ISSN 1818-769,IDOSIPublications,2014DOI:10.5829/idosi.aejaes.2014.14.08.12375. Plant Species at Wadi Al-kuf 2014
El-Rabiai, G.T., Al tira, F.M., Lamlom, S.H. (2010) Preliminary Checklist for the Flora of Wadi El Ghattara in Libya. Garyounis University Press Journal of Science and Its Applications Vol. 4, No. 1, pp 39-47, December 2010. Flora of Wadi El Ghattara 2010
El-Darier, S.M. & El-Mogaspi, F.M. (2009) Ethno botany and Relative Importance of Some Endemic Plant Species at El-Jabal El-Akhdar Region (Libya). World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5 (3): 353-360, 2009 ISSN 1817-3047, IDOSI Publications, 2009. Endemic Plant Species at El-Jabal El-Akhdar 2009
Al-Hamadi R.I.(1999) Floristic and ecological study of Wadi Al-Agar, Master Thesis, Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Botany Department-Faculty of Science-Garyounis University, Benghazi, Libya. (In Arabic)  

