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Orobanche cernua Loefl., it is a holoparasitic perennial, 10-30 (-40) cm tall, minutely pruinose to glabrescent, simple, erect, often thickened below, brownish to purplish. Scales ovate-lanceolate 5-10 mm. Spikes dense, 10-20 cm long, many flowered. Bracts c. half as long as the corolla, bracteoles absent. Calyx ± half as long as the corolla, segment free, usually 2-dentate, sometimes almost entire. Corolla (12-) 15-20 mm long, blue, glabrescent, swollen below the insertion of the stamens, contracted in the middle, leaning at the top, with a bi lobed upper lip, the lower with almost equal non-ciliated lobes; stamens inserted towards the middle of the tube; glabrescent fillets and styles; whitish stigma.  Life Form: Pa ,   Flowering in: Mar-May,   Vern: Tamzellit,   Phytochoria: Pal, The native range of this species is Old World.  Notes: Wild in Libya.

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Distribution in Libya
Zliten-Misurata Plain Sirte Plains Jabal Nafusa
Misurata 2015  Misurata (Sassu Valley) 2016 Sirte 2015, 2016 Wadi Gharian 1926  Gebel Nafousa 1971  Wadi Kaam (Dam & lake) 2022
Al-Jabal Al-Akhder Marmarica Plateau Fezzan area
Wadi Derna 1926 Acroma ad ovest de Tobruk 1933 Reported from Fezzan by Corti  Fezzan, Wadi Masauda 1953


Bibliographic references:  
First: Encyclopedia Flora of Libyan:  
Jafri, S.M.H. & El-Gadi, A. (1978 Flora of Libya, Orobanchaceae Vol.  (55) Department of Botany, Al-Faateh Univ., Tripoli, Libya.
Second: Researches and PhD theses, master theses, Sorted by Newest: pdf files
Almushghub, F., Ahmed, D., Sharaf El-Din, A., Shaltout, k. (2022) Vegetation analysis of Wadi Kaam at northwest Libya. Journal of Basic and Environmental Sciences, 9 (2022) 20-37., , Wadi Kaam 2022
Aljarroushi, M.M. & Almedham, K. E. (2016) Geographical distribution and Life form of plants in Sassu Valley, Misurata area, Libya. Al-satil Vol. 10 No. 15. March 2016., Sassu Valley 2016
Elsayed, N. (2016) Relationship between Vegetation and Soil Seed Bank at Protected Versus Unprotected Sites at Coastal Habitats in Libya.CATRINA (2016), 15 (1): 59-68., Surt region in Libya 2016
Aljarroushi, M.M. & Almedham, K.E. (2015) Natural plant cover composition in Misurata area, Libya. Assiut Journal for Environmental Studies-42nd issue-July 2015. (In Arabic) الغطاء النباتي الطبيعي في مصراتة 2015
Elsayed M. A. N. (2015) Floristic Composition of the Plant Cover at Surt Region in Libya. Catrina (2015), 12 (1): 63-71-2010 By the Egyptian society for environmental SCIENCES. Plant Cover at Surt Region 2015