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Zilla spinosa (L.) Prantl /  Infraspecifics: Zila spinosa. ssp. spinosaZilla spinosa  ssp. macroptera (Coss.) Maire & Weiller / Homotypic Synonyms: Zilla macroptera Coss., it is a subshrub or shrub, the stems Up to 80-170 cm height, 100-150cm width, it may also be a small woody plant not exceeding 20-30 cm. the leaves, alternate, entire, the flowers pink, violet petals, the fruits, pods   chickpea-like., Life Form: N.Ph,   Flowering in: Mar-May,   Vern: ———- ,   Phytochoria: SA, The native range of this species is E. Medit. to Sudan and Iraq.,  Notes: Wild in Libya.

For more information:,,,, ,,,,


Distribution in Libya
Zliten-Misurata Plain Sirte Plains Benghazi Plain
Misurata 2006   Misurata (Sassu Valley) 2016 (2 km) E.Bugrain 1967 (128 km) before Sirte 1969   Wadi Soofejeen 2017 Slouk-Msus road 2000  Msus-Al-Ajramia zone 2004
Jabal Nafusa Marmarica Plateau Al-Qibla area
Reported from Bin Ulid, Mizda by Durand & Barratte    Gebel Nefousa 1971 Reported in Marmarica north-eastern part of Libya by Pampanini 1930     Al-Tamimi 1975   From Tobruk to Egyptian Border 1999   Marmarica (north-eastern part of Libya) 2002   Al-Makhili 2007   Dafna region (Tobruk to Msaid) 2008


Wadi Nesma region 2009 Wadis South of Mizda 2013
Al-Hamada Al-Hamra Ghadames area Al-Jufra area
Al-Hamada Al-Hamra Region 2020 Reported from Ghadames by Durand & Barratte   (184 km) from Nalut to Ghadames 1975 (35,43 km) from Weshka, between Sokna to Hun 1975 (20,100 km) from Hun to Bugrain, near Sokna, Wadi Weshka 1976  EL-Harouge mountain 2012   EL-Jufra 2018
Fezzan area Ghat area 
Between Sebha & Hun 1973 Ghat (Between Acacus and Tassili Mountains) 2004   Wadi Tanezzuft 2012


Bibliographic references:  
First: Encyclopedia Flora of Libyan:  
Ali, S.I. & Jafri, S.M.H. (1977) Flora of Libya, Brassicaceae Vol. (23) Department of Botany, Al-Faateh Univ., Tripoli, Libya.
Second: Researches and PhD theses, master theses , Sorted by Newest: pdf files
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Al-Shaibani, I., Al-Barasi, Y., Al-Tajouri, B. and Al-Wafi, M. (2020) An Introductory Study of the Geography & Geology of Al-Hamada Al-Hamra Region in Western Libya and Some Perennial Plants. Libyan Journal of Ecological & Environmental Sciences and Technology. Vol, 2 No. 2 Dec, 2020. (In Arabic), الحمادة الحمراء 2020_compressed
EL-Barasi,Y.M., Bader, B.M., Barrani. M.W., EL-Hashani, N.M. and Alamrouni, A.O. (2018) Ecological studies on EL-Jufra Desert Depression.,, Ecological studies On EL-Jufra 2018
Bahri, N.M. (2017) Identify, Limit and Determine the Vegetation Types of Wadi Ka’am Areas, Libya. Journal of Marine Sciences and Environmental Technologies-Volume (3) -Issue (2) (In Arabic) وادي كعام ومناطق اخري 2017
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Mohamed, F.J. (2013) A Taxonomic Study of Wadis Flora South of Mizda at the intersections with Mizda-Sebha Highway. Master Thesis. Department of Botany-Faculty of Science-Sebha University. Libya. (In Arabic)  
El-Barasi, Y.M. & Barrani, M.W. (2012) Factors affecting natural vegetation on EL-Harouge Mountain, Central part of Libyan Desert (Sahara). Bocconea 24: 199-211. 2012. -ISSN 1120-4060. vegetation on EL-Harouge mountain 2012
Mukassabi, T.A, Ahmidat, G., Sherif, I.M., ELMogasapi, A.(2012) Checklist and life forms of plant species in contrasting climatic zones of Libya. Biological Diversity and Conservation – 5 / 3 (2012)   , plant species in contrasting climatic zones of Libya 2012
Bahri, N.M. (2009) Study of the vegetation covers of Wadi Nesma region, northwest of Libya. Master Thesis, Department of Botany, College of Science, Sebha University, Libya. (In Arabic)  
Barrani, M. W. (2008) A study of environmental degradation factors in the semi-desert Dafna region-Libya. Master Thesis-Department of Science and environmental engineering-Postgraduate Academy Benghazi branch. (In Arabic)  
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Al-Dana, S. M. M. (2006) Taxonomic study of wild flower plants in some areas of Misrata. Master Thesis, Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Misurata University (7 October previously) Misurata, Libya. (In Arabic)  
Ahmidat, Gh. (2004) Study of the vegetation cover of the area between the Acacus Mountains and the Tassili Mountains (Ghat). Master Thesis. Department of Botany.College of Science. Sebha University. Libya. (In Arabic)  
El-Jetlawi A.O.(2004) Study of vegetation and soil seed bank of a range desert zone (Msus-Al-Ajramia), Master of Science Thesis, Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Benghazi University, Benghazi, Libya (In Arabic)  
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