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Deverra tortuosa (Desf.) DC /  Homotypic Synonyms:  Pituranthos tortuosus (Desf.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Asch. & Schweinf., it is a subshrub or shrub and grows primarily in the subtropical biome., Life Form: Ch, Flowering in: Apr-Nov, Vern: Gazzah, Phytochoria: SA, The native range of this species is Tunisia to Israel and Arabian Peninsula. . Notes: Wild in Libya, medicinal plant

For more information:,,,,  


Distribution in Libya
Al-Jafarah Plain Zliten-Misurata Plain Sirte Plains
Tripoli 1967 After Zowara 1972 (10,20km) from Tripoli to Khoms 1975 Talil 1976 Sabrath 2008 Tripoli 2010 Bir-Ayad 2013 Sabratha region 2020 Researches Station of Agriculture Faculty, University of Tripoli 2021 N. of Misurata 1967 Kaam area 2005 Misurata 2006,2008,2015 Zliten (Wadi EL-Zekr) 2022 (2km) E. of Bougrein 1967 (66km) E. of Bougrein 1975 Near Bugrain, (70km) E. Bugrain 1976 (18km) W. of Bougrein 1978 (7Km) SE of Sitre City 2008 Sirte 2015, 2016 Wadi Al-Hamar Region 2020
Benghazi Plain Jabal Nafusa Al-Jabal Al-Akhder
Benghazi to Ajdabia 1978 Slouk-Masus road 2000  Between Slouk and Al-Abiar 2016 Ajdabia (Al-Bedan) 2016,2017 Ajdabia (Al-Jaledia) 2017 Wadi El-Enaghar 2021 Beach sand dunes in Karkurah 2021 Jardina-Soloq Region 2020 Soloq (Beir Bullerjam) 2022 Al-Kosbat 1975  Gasar Akhiar, Ghanima 2016 Tarhuna (Dawoon, Terghlat) 2018 Msallata-Garaboulli Province 2020 (100km) E. of Benghazi 1975 Wadi Zaza 2003 S.AL-Marj 2011 Wadi El-Kouf 2014 Wadi Zaza, Wadi Al-Ager 2017 Ain Mara 2020
Marmarica Plateau Al-Qibla area Al-Jufra area
Reported in Marmarica north-eastern part of Libya by Pampanini 1930 Wadi Al-Ramla, (5km) N. of Al-Makali 1967(195km) from Tobruk (195km)Tobruk to Jagboub 1978 From Tobruk to Egyptian Border 1999 Marmarica (north-eastern part of Libya) 2002 Dafna region (Tobruk to Msaid) 2008 Wadi Nesma region 2009 Wadis South of Mizda 2013 (130,80,98 km) from Hun, Wadi Soda, Weshka 1973 Masiad 1975
Fezzan area
(80km) from Sabha to Hun 1975


Bibliographic references:  
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