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Erodium keithii Guitt. & Le Houer

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 Erodium keithii Guitt. & Le Houer, it is an annual herb, caulescent, procumbent or ascending, beset with capitate, 3-4-cellcd glands and few unicellular, non-capitate glands. Leaves simple, basal sub orbicular, entire to 3-lobed, middle lobe 3-5-tobuled, lateral lobes 2-lobuled, and stipules membranous, ovate, ciliate on margins, acute, brown. Inflorescence 4-7-flowered umbel, bracts 3-6 free, lanceolate to ovate, ciliate on margins. Sepals lanceolate, 3-7-nerved, hirsute, marginally ciliate, with 1-2 mm long mucro at the apex. Petals bright red, sub equal, 3-nerved 1.5 times as long as sepals, claw glabrescent. Fertile filaments with violet anthers, antlerless filaments lanceolate, glabrous. Mericarps oblongish. 5-5.5 mm long, antrorsely hairy, apical pits without or with a very faint or inconspicuous furrow beneath, glabrous, beak 4-5 cm long, barbate. Life Form:Th,   Flowering in: Jan-Feb,   Vern:————,   Phytochoria: Endemic , The native range of this species is Libya.   Notes: Wild in Libya.

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Distribution in Libya
Sirte Plains Benghazi Plain Jabal Nafusa
Sirte 1977 Msus-Al-Ajramia zone 2004 Jadoo 1977   Msallata (Shaafien) 2017
Al-Jabal Al-Akhder
Wadi Al-Agar 1999  Wadi Zaza 2003 Gebel Akhder 2009  Wadi Om-El-Amaym 2019  Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar 2021


Bibliographic references:  
First: Encyclopedia Flora of Libyan:  
Jafri, S.M.H. & El-Gadi, A. (1978) Flora of Libya, Geraniaceae Vol.  (63) Department of Botany, Al-Faateh Univ., Tripoli, Libya.
Second: Researches and PhD theses, master theses, Sorted by Newest: pdf files
Mohamed, A.H., Mosallam, H.A., Sergwa, S.S., Gibreel, M.A. (2021) Impact of Edaphic Factors on Vegetation Composition in Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar, Libya. Egypt. J. Bot., Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 191-201 (2021) Impact of Edaphic Factors 2021_compressed
El-farse, M.H. (2019) Study of the vegetation of Wadi Om-El-Amaym in Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar region. Master Thesis- department of environmental science and engineering, Academy of post graduate studies, Benghazi, Libya. (In Arabic)  
Bahri, N.M. (2017) Identify, Limit and Determine the Vegetation Types of Wadi Ka’am Areas, Libya. Journal of Marine Sciences and Environmental Technologies-Volume (3) -Issue (2) (In Arabic) وادي كعام ومناطق اخري 2017
El-Darier, S.M. & El-Mogaspi, F.M. (2009) Ethno botany and Relative Importance of Some Endemic Plant Species at El-Jabal El-Akhdar Region (Libya). World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5 (3): 353-360, 2009 ISSN 1817-3047, IDOSI Publications, 2009. Endemic Plant Species at El-Jabal El-Akhdar 2009
El-Jetlawi A.O.(2004) Study of vegetation and soil seed bank of a range desert zone (Msus-Al-Ajramia), Master of Science Thesis, Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Benghazi University, Benghazi, Libya (In Arabic)  
El-Barasi, Y. M., EI-Sherif, l. M. & Gawhari, A. M. H.(2003) Checklist and analysis of the flora and vegetation of Wadi Zaza at AI-Jabal AI Akhdar (Cyrenaica, Libya). Bocconea 16 (2): 1091-1105. 2003. – ISSN 1120-4060. flora and vegetation of Wadi Zaza 2003_compressed
Al-Hamadi R.I.(1999) Floristic and ecological study of Wadi Al-Agar, Master Thesis, Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Botany Department-Faculty of Science-Garyounis University, Benghazi, Libya. (In Arabic)