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Malva aegyptia L. , it is an annual decumbent herb, up 10 35 cm long, strigose branches with stellate hairs. Petiole up to 3.5 cm loog, lamina sub orbicular in outline, deeply dissected into narrow lobes, hairy on the lower surface, hairs simple, stipules 5-8 mm long. Flowers solitary in the leaf axils or apparently in terminal clusters, but after the elongation of lhe axis, mostly a single flower on an elongated peduncle, in the axil of the leaf. Peduncle (in fruit) up to 6.2 cm long. Epicalyx segments 2, linear, 5-8 nun long. Sepals 7-11 mm long, triangular-ovate, acuminate, stligose at the base and the margin. Petals c. 7-11 mm long, lilac, glabrous, staminal tube pubescent. Mericarps glabrous, lateral sides transversely ridged, dorsal face flat.   Life Form: Th,   Flowering in: Mar-Apr,   Vern: Khobaiz,,   Phytochoria: MED+IT, The native range of this species is Spain, S. & E. Medit. to Turkmenistan.  Notes: Wild in Libya, Medical uses.

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Distribution in Libya
Sirte Plains Benghazi Plain Jabal Nafusa
(60 km) N.W. Bouerat 1938  (25 km) W. Sirte  1968  Gulf of Sirte,between Misurata and Bugrain 1970 Benghazi 1883  Tra Agedabia 1934 Benghazi to Ajdabia Sidi Ahmed el-Magrum 1934  Qaminis-Benghazi road 1968  Between Slouk and Al-Abiar 2016   Wadi El-Enaghar 2021 Tarhuna, Wadi Tersiva, Ras Maader 1913  (60 km) S.E. Jado to Yefren, Gebel Nafousa, Jado to Yefren 1970  Al-Awenia,(7 km) from Ruomia, Al Asaba, Abouzian, (2 km) before Kaleba, Kaleba 1974  Msallata (Shaafeen) 2008   Msallata National Park (Shaafeen) 2013  Msallata-Garaboulli Province 2020
Al-Jabal Al-Akhder Marmarica Plateau
Wadi El-Kouf 1938 Near El-Abiar,Wadi Wardama 1939  Gebel Akhder, Al-Bakur, near Tocra, Wadi Derna 1968 Around El-Abiar, below ruins of Shahat, Solnta to Marawa 1970  Wadi Mahbool 1973  El-kouf area 1984 Wadi Al-Agar 1999   Wadi Zaza 2003  S. of AL-Marj 2011  Valley Jarjr-oma 2013  Wadi El-Kouf 2014  Wadi Haboon 2015   Al-Oylia region 2017  Wadi Om-El-Amaym 2019  From Zawiet Tamula to Al-Manarh, From Lustata to Beshtaya 2019   Al-Abiar (Sidi Amohamed forest) 2020   Ain Mara 2020   Wadi Al-Kouf 2021 Tobruk 1883,1933   Al-Tamimi 1968  Al-Tamimi to Omm Rezum 1970  From Tobruk to Egyptian Border 1999   Marmarica (north-eastern part of Libya) 2002


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