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Nanorrhinum acerbianum (Boiss.) Betsche / Homotypic Synonyms: Kickxia acerbiana (Boiss.) Täckh. & Boulos, it is a perennial herb, profusely branched from the woody stock, 20-50 cm tall, covered with spreading glandular hairs, viscid, branches slender, brittle and twiggy. Lower leaves ovate sometimes with a cordate or hastate base, entire or with few lateral teeth, 20-25 x 5-7 (- to) mm, long petiolate; petiole up to 15 mm long. Upper and floral leaves much smaller, uppermost 2-5 mm long, almost entire, acute to mucronutate, shortly petiolate. Flowers in lax racemes, yellow; pedicels slender, 10-15 mm long, increasing up to c. 20 mm in fruit, curved upwards, glandular hairy all over. Calyx 3-5 mm long, glandular hairy, rarely glabrous; lobes lanceolate, with white membranous margins. Corolla (including spur) c. 10 mm long, glandular pubescent, spur 4-7 mm long, slender, almost straight. Capsule globose-ovoid, glandular pubescent at first, later becoming glabrescent, c_ 2-3 mm, dehiscing by permanent lateral lids. Seeds 12 (-16), c. 0.5 mm, tuberculate to verrucose, somewhat oblong.  Life Form: Ch,   Flowering in: ——————,   Vern:—————–,   Phytochoria: SA, The native range of this species is Libya to Arabian Peninsula, Pakistan. Notes: Wild in Libya.

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                                                                       Distribution in Libya
Zliten-Misurata Plain Sirte Plains Jabal Nafusa
Misurata 2008 Wadi Soofejeen 2017 Msallata (Shaafien) 2017  Wadi Kaam (Dam & lake, Main course) 2022
Al-Jabal Al-Akhder Al-Jufra area
Shahat-Susa 2016 (24,90,98 km) fron Sebha to Hun, Wadi Soda, (30 km) from Hun to Waddan, (7 km) from Waddan 1973 (2 km) from Weshka, Wadi Zaggar 1975


Bibliographic references:  
First: Encyclopedia Flora of Libyan:  
Jafri, S.M.H. & El-Gadi, A. (1982) Flora of Libya, Scrophulariaceae Vol.  (88) Department of Botany, Al-Faateh Univ., Tripoli, Libya.
Second: Researches and PhD theses, master theses, Sorted by Newest: pdf files
Almushghub, F., Ahmed, D., Sharaf El-Din, A., Shaltout, k. (2022) Vegetation analysis of Wadi Kaam at northwest Libya. Journal of Basic and Environmental Sciences, 9 (2022) 20-37., , Wadi Kaam 2022
Bahri, N.M. (2017) Identify, Limit and Determine the Vegetation Types of Wadi Ka’am Areas, Libya. Journal of Marine Sciences and Environmental Technologies-Volume (3) -Issue (2) (In Arabic) وادي كعام ومناطق اخري 2017
Hegazy, A.; Kabiel, H.; AlRowaily, S.; Lovett-Doust,L. and AlBorki, A. (2016) Plant communities and reproductive phenology in mountainous regions of northern Libya. Journal of  Forestry Research. July 2017, Volume 28, Issue 4, pp 741–761.,  
Baayo, Kh. A. (2008): Floristic composition and Phytochorological Analysis of Misratah area, Libya, Assiut Univ.J. of Botany 37(2), P-P. 33-78 (2008)