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Coronilla scorpioides (L.) W.D.J.Koch, it is an annual plant 10-40 cm, glabrous and glaucous, with taproot; herbaceous stems; lower leaves simple, spatulate, the others tri-foliate, with very unequal leaflets, the terminal one much larger and oval, the lateral ones small, rounded kidney-shaped, sessile and close to the stem; stipules small, fused; yellow flowers, small, 2 4 on peduncles equal to or slightly exceeding the leaf; pedicels half shorter than the calyx; pods spread horizontally, 30-40 mm long, arcuate, knotty, ridged, with 3-8 sections and 6 obtuse angles.  Life Form: Th,   Flowering in: Feb-Apr,   Vern:————-,   Phytochoria: MED+IT, The native range of this species is Medit. to Iran and Eritrea.    Notes: Wild in Libya, often found near cultivated fields, medicinal plant.

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Distribution in Libya
Zliten-Misurata Plain Jabal Nafusa Al-Jabal Al-Akhder
Leptis Magna 1975  Kaam area 2005  Misurata 2006 Gebel Nafousa, (25 km) from Gharian to Yefren, Misallata, Hafs area 1970 Wadi Malah, (10 km) from Nalut 1972  Ggarian 1973  Janduba,Near Janduba, (5 km) after Asaba, Tagma, Rayana, Zintan 1974  Kussbat 1975   Msallata (Shaafeen) 2008   Msallata National Park (Shaafeen) 2013   Tarhuna (Hejaz, Khsaya, Shersharah) 2018  Msallata-Garaboulli Province 2020   Gharyan (Sedrores Mountains) 2020 El-kouf area 1984  Gaber Jera 2013   Sidi Abu-Ras 2017


Bibliographic references:  
First: Encyclopedia Flora of Libyan:  
Jafri, S.M.H. & El-Gadi, A. (1980) Flora of Libya, Fabaceae Vol.  (86) Department of Botany, Al-Faateh Univ., Tripoli, Libya.
Second: Researches and PhD theses, master theses, Sorted by Newest: pdf files
El-Ahmir, S.M., Mahklouf, M.H., Shanta, M.B., Abo-Jaafer, H.A. (2020) Floristic Study of Sedrores Mountains in Gharyan District-Libya. J. of Advanced Botany and Zoology. Volume 8 / Issue 1. ISSN: 2348-7313., Sedrores Mountains in Gharyan 2020
Mahklouf, M.H., Sherif, A.S., Betelmal, A.G. (2020) Floristic Study and Species Diversity of Msallata-Garaboulli Province in Libya. J. of Advanced Botany and Zoology Volume 7 / Issue 3 ISSN: 2348-7313. Journal homepage:, Msallata-Garaboulli Province in Libya 2020
MahkloufM.H. SherifA.S, BetelmalA. G. (2018) Floristic Study for Tarhuna-Libya. Hacettepe J. Biol. & Chem, 2018, 46 (3), 337-364., Floristic Study for Tarhuna 2018
El-Zerbi, A. K. & Al-Aib, M.A. (2017) Study of vegetation cover in Sidi Bouras region, Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar, Libya. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering JESE, VOL. 1, No. 1, January 2017. (In Arabic) سيدي ابو راس 2017_compressed
Al-Tajouri, A., Al-Aaeb, M.A., Al-Zarbi, A. K. (2013) Barley crop contamination with weed seeds in Gaber-Jira farms in Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar, Libya. Journal of Benghazi University of Science-the third and fourth edition (45-53). (In Arabic) قبر جيرة 2013
Al-Masalati, N. A. A. (2013) Plant diversity across the altitudes of the Msallata National Park Reserve Mountains. Master Thesis. Botany Department-College of Science-University of Benghazi-Libya. (In Arabic)  
Mohammed, S.A.H. (2008) A taxonomic and ecological study of the plants of the Shaafin Reserve in Masalatah. Master Thesis. Department of Biology-Faculty of Arts and Sciences-Al-Mirqab University. Al-Khums. Libya. (In Arabic)  
Al-Dana, S. M. M. (2006) Taxonomic study of wild flower plants in some areas of Misrata. Master Thesis, Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Misurata University (7 October previously) Misurata, Libya. (In Arabic)  
Al-Shf, N. S. (2005) a taxonomic study of the plants of the Kaam region. Master Thesis, College of Science, Al-Marqab University, Al-Khums, Libya. (In Arabic)  
ACSAD (1984) Wadi Al-Kouf National Park Studies Project. Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands.